Chatswood Night – Roaming Gnomes International Food Trail

Hi everyone! I have some exciting news to share with you.
Lately, I’ve been involved in quite a few writing assignments over the last few months but I am happy to share with you all that I can promote one of those here. In the last few weeks in particular, I’ve been involved with an exciting project with Chatswood Culture Bites called Chatswood Nights – Roaming Gnomes. What is it? It’s basically an event that will be happening from today in Chatswood featuring 12 large scale inflatable Gnomes located around the city.
Each of these Gnomes represents a region/country who will each have their own international food trails highlighting the best dishes of those countries located in Chatswood. My involvement? I wrote the food trail for two of the Gnomes representing the regions of the Americas and South-East China (the Gnome’s names are Diego and Tobi respectively).
To visit my food trail articles, please click on the link here.
The event and festival itself will start from today (6th of May) until the 29th of May. Bring your friend’s and family to ‘travel the world’ around in Chatswood over the next 23 nights. An animated projection will occur each night at 6pm from the Concourse featuring the Gnomes travelling around the world. In addition, there will be world music from the train station to Chatswood Place. As a bonus, there is also a competition to win $20,000 worth of prizes.